5 Tips For Writing A Winning Internship Recommendation

Internship Reference / Letters 8+ Best Samples
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5 Tips for Writing a Winning Internship Recommendation

1. Know Your Audience

When writing an internship recommendation, it is important to keep your audience in mind. Who will be reading your letter? Who are you recommending? What kind of internships are they applying for? Consider your audience and tailor your letter accordingly.

2. Make It Personal

Your letter should reflect the personal qualities of the individual you are recommending. Your letter should be written in a positive and enthusiastic tone. Include specific examples of skills, experiences, and accomplishments the individual has that make them a great candidate for the internship.

3. Showcase the Person’s Character

Your letter should not only highlight the person’s skills and experiences, but also their character. What qualities do they possess that make them an ideal candidate for the internship? Are they hardworking, creative, organized, etc.? Showcase their strengths and provide evidence to back up your claims.

4. Keep It to the Point

Your letter should be concise and to the point. Stick to the relevant facts and don’t ramble on. Keep the focus on the individual’s strengths and what makes them a great candidate for the internship.

5. End On a Positive Note

Finally, be sure to end your letter on a positive note. Make sure to thank the employer for their time and express your confidence in the individual’s ability to be a great intern. Let them know that you are excited to see what the individual will accomplish during their internship.