How To Make A Costume Contest Judging Sheet?

Costume Contest Printable Forms Ideas for Halloween Etsy Costume
Costume Contest Printable Forms Ideas for Halloween Etsy Costume from

Are you organizing a costume contest? Whether it’s for Halloween, a school or a business event, you’ll need to create a judging sheet. This is a document that outlines how the costume contest will be judged. The judging sheet should also include all of the criteria that the judges will use to evaluate the costumes. It’s important to make sure that the judging sheet is fair and balanced so that all entrants have a chance to win the contest. Here’s how to make a costume contest judging sheet.

Step 1: Decide What the Judging Criteria Will Be

Before you create the judging sheet, you must first decide what criteria will be used to judge the costumes. While there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to judging criteria, some ideas include originality, creativity, craftsmanship, and overall presentation. You can also add any other criteria you think is important, such as the use of accessories or the accuracy of the costume.

Step 2: Create a Scoring System

Once you’ve decided on the criteria for judging, you’ll need to create a scoring system. This system should be based on the criteria you’ve chosen. For example, if you’ve chosen originality as a criteria, you can assign points for each costume based on how original it is. You should also assign a maximum number of points for each criteria so that the judges know exactly how much each costume can score.

Step 3: Gather the Judging Team

Once you’ve created the scoring system, you’ll need to gather the judging team. Make sure to choose judges who are knowledgeable about the costume contest and its criteria. You should also make sure that the judges are familiar with the scoring system.

Step 4: Create the Judging Sheet

Now it’s time to create the actual judging sheet. This should include the name of each judge, the criteria for judging, and the scoring system. You should also include any other information that the judges may need, such as the name of the contest or the names of the entrants.

Step 5: Distribute the Judging Sheet

Once the judging sheet is complete, you should distribute it to all of the judges. Make sure to give them enough time to review the sheet before the costume contest begins. If the judging criteria or scoring system changes, you should update the sheet and make sure all of the judges receive the updated version.

Step 6: Keep Track of Results

As the costume contest progresses, it’s important to keep track of the results. You can use the judging sheet to record the scores for each entrant. This will make it easier to determine the overall winner at the end of the contest.

Step 7: Announce the Winner

Once the scoring is complete, you can announce the winner. Make sure to thank all of the judges for their hard work and dedication to the costume contest. You should also make sure to thank all of the entrants for participating.

Sample Costume Contest Judging Sheets

Sheet 1: Originality

Originality: 0-10 points

Creativity: 0-10 points

Craftsmanship: 0-10 points

Overall Presentation: 0-10 points

Total Points: 0-40 points

Sheet 2: Accuracy

Accuracy: 0-10 points

Creativity: 0-10 points

Accessories: 0-10 points

Overall Presentation: 0-10 points

Total Points: 0-40 points

Sheet 3: Creativity

Originality: 0-10 points

Accuracy: 0-10 points

Craftsmanship: 0-10 points

Accessories: 0-10 points

Total Points: 0-40 points


Creating a costume contest judging sheet is a great way to ensure that the contest is judged fairly and that all entrants have a chance to win. When creating the sheet, make sure to include the criteria for judging, the scoring system, and the names of the judges. Make sure to also keep track of the results and thank all of the judges and entrants for participating. By following these steps, you can create an effective and fair judging sheet for your costume contest.